UMANG PHARMATECH® equipment excels at producing pharmaceuticals in solid dosage forms. Generate free-flowing granular products or pelletize powders, before processing. Condition powders prior to encapsulation or tableting with our Die roller or Cone / Axial / Radial extruder equipment. With application testing, we’ll help you determine the best machines, in the optimal configurations, for your specific process needs.

Test facilities at our headquarters feature a broad selection of lab and production equipment. We use our machinery and expertise to assist you with proof-of-concept testing and arrive at the best process solutions to meet your unique needs. You’ll be able to achieve process goals in the most cost-effective manner possible with help from our knowledgeable experts.

We also provide training for customers’ operations and maintenance crews, to ensure your employees’ knowledge and understanding of the Umang pharmatech® machinery you’ve invested in. Training for employees boosts on-site troubleshooting skills, and ensures that safe, rapid and effective maintenance will proceed smoothly and efficiently.


UMANG PHARMATECH® equipment excels at producing pharmaceuticals in solid dosage forms. Generate free-flowing granular products or pelletize powders, before processing.


The chemical industry has come to expect excellent results from UMANG PHARMATECH®. For decades, we’ve helped the chemical industry by modifying existing machinery or creating new, special-purpose machines or parts so clients can more


Fitzpatrick specializes in food processing solutions. Our Extruder and spheronizers series of pelletizers emphasize ease of operation, and feature simple-to-clean stainless steel construction.

Ask and You Shall Receive

If you are interested in more information about any of our services — including our particle processing solutions, our operations/maintenance training, and/or our expert application testing — please visit our “Request a Quote” page and fill out the brief form.