All supported by a network of particle and powder processing expertise that is on hand to create competitive advantages for your business.
Established to handle multi-tonne lots or ultra small batch processing; pelletization, granulation and oral thin strips in customer defined size.
Industry Applications
The Umang Pharmatech® Advantage
Your materials are professionally processed:
- Without the need for you to invest in equipment and storage facilities
- Processing material for R&D purposes
- Processing material for pilot purpose.
- Processing material for large scale production purpose.
- Temporary production and storage shortages overcome
- Fast-track production of niche products; economically
- Access to 10+ individual processing suites
- Comprehensive in-house analytical and test facility support
- Extensive processing know-how of umang pharmatech engineers and product development scientists.
- Seamless scale-up to increased production capacity
- Solutions tailored specifically to meet your needs
Toll Processing Technologies
- Size Reduction
- Granulation
- Mixing
- Coating
- Pelletization
- Oral thin water soluble strips.
- Pack-off into FIBCs, sacks, drums or boxes
- Warehouse storage and delivery directly to customers
Quality Assurance
From choice and design of powder processing and ancillary equipment, product control specifications and cleaning regimes to full batch production documentation, product quality guarantees and validation certificates and secure packaging customers can be confident in outsourcing even critical product production with Umang Pharmatech®